
Ōraka-Aparima Rūnaka Inc.

Ngāi Tahu

Ngāi Tahu has ample opportunities within Murihuku and abroad for grants, support and funding in education, support, small business and maternity services. They also provide information, research and knowledge for all who want to learn.

Education and Scholarships

Our hapū through our Iwi, Ngāi Tahu are entitled to education grants and support. There are also varying scholarships available for a range of tertiary education.

Ngāi Tahu


Education and Scholarships

    Sport and Cultural Activities

Ngāi Tahu has ample opportunities within Murihuku and abroad for grants, support and funding in education, support, small business and maternity services. They also provide information, research and knowledge for all who want to learn.

Our hapū through our Iwi, Ngāi Tahu are entitled to education grants and support. There are also varying scholarships available for a range of tertiary education.

    Sport and Cultural Activities

Ōraka-Aparima Rūnaka support all whānau to get involved in all opportunities we have on offer in sports and cultural activities. Please click on the attached link for our Ngāi Tahu page in relation to upcoming sporting and cultural events near you.



Our whenua is vital for our survival as a hapū and our reliance on the natural resources for our work ventures. We are continuously involved in projects that aid us in helping conserve and preserve the land in a whakaute way.


Our whenua is vital for our survival as a hapū and our reliance on the natural resources for our work ventures. We are continuously involved in projects that aid us in helping conserve and preserve the land in a whakaute way.